Cultivate Honouring Family Values Workbook


This 85 paged Cultivate Honouring Family Values workbook includes 8 modules of worksheets and 8 inspiration posters that support your family to identify the values of both the family and the individuals within. There are worksheets to write the responses and also additional worksheets to articulate through pictures to support varying styles of communication.

Our values are the choices that guide our behaviour, beliefs, thoughts, feelings, aspirations and attitudes. They are important and we share them as a group of people that make up our family. This workbook supports your family to create a common language and path to move from confusion and conflict to clarity and harmony.

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  • The worksheets are tools to compassionately highlight each family members preferences and styles. Understand how this can make the individual and those surrounding feel. Allowing for highlighting areas requiring more attention and create a shared language and process. To then collaboratively decide where to focus to cultivate enhanced self literacy. This in turn builds an understanding of the preferences and styles that exist within the family. And a chance to reflect on the process. Finally enjoy such blissful clarity from the constant confusion.

  • 1 - Family Refection - create a family identify and acknowledge and similarities and differences.

    2 - Identity Family Values - identify what are the families and personal values

    3 - Values are Variable - highlight where personal values that are similar and different within the family

    4 - Values guide Us - explore how choices can move us towards and away from our family and personal values

    5 - Responding to Choices - identify how we do and could respond to our varying choices as a family

    6 - Noticing Moving Towards - note with trackers when the family moves towards from values and when they are similar or different

    7 - Noticing Moving Away - note with trackers when the family moves aways from values and when they are similar or different

    8 - Enriched Reflections - explore the experience of the family after there has been the exploration of values and choices.

  • * Create a sense of family by acknowledging shared experiences

    * Honour the individuality of each family member

    * Create an enhanced understating of yourself and family

    * Create clarity on the origin of much of the family conflict

    * Build a common language to discuss areas of challenge

    * Highlight awareness of how the actions of each individual impacts the family group

    * Create a clear path to respectfully discuss differences of each family member

    * Highlight the times and situations within the family that are pressure points for conflict

    * Allows for a collaborative exploration of each family members experiences

    * Builds a lifelong skill in the cyclic process of reflection, acknowledgment and communication.

    * Builds a cohesive family sense of honouring both the individual and group

  • Perfect, for teens, young adults and adults. Amazing for life transitions like leaving school, new babies, divorce, marriage, buying a new home. 

    Amazing for neurodiversity affirming support such as for people that are autistic, adhd, dyspraxia, dyslexia, dyscalculia, dysgraphia, and tourette's.

    Very supportive for people that would like holistic support with wellbeing and psychological concerns such as borderline personality, anxiety, depression.

    Fabulous if you are a psychologist, therapist, coach, school counsellor or mentor. This a simple yet effective tool for your clients. You will need to purchase a unique copy for each individual when providing this resource to others. If you would like a group discount for 10 users and above please contact me for a discount code.